Restoring dignity one pair of socks at a time.
Hannah’s Socks is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of families who are struggling financially.
We provide socks to Day Care Facilities, Social Service Agencies, Public, Charter and Parochial schools in Ohio as well as homeless and domestic violence shelters. The cornerstone of Hannah’s Socks is to restore dignity, one pair of socks at a time.
It all began with an idea.
The founders of Hannah’s Socks discovered that of all the materials donated to shelters, new socks and undergarments are given the least and needed the most. They created Hannah's Socks with the goal of addressing that problem.

To date, Hannah’s Socks has collected and distributed over 1,000,000 socks thanks to the generosity of family, friends, and the community of Northwest Ohio.
Organizations we serve.
Contact us to become a giving partner!
419 Cares
Aurora Gonzalez Community Center
Bags of Love
Boys and Girls Clubs Toledo
Carriage House Ministries
Catholic Diocese
Catholic Outreach Ministry
Cherry Street Mission Ministries
Christian Clearing House
Delroy Church Angels Wings Foundation
Feed Toledo
Helping Hands of St. Louis
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Kinship Navigator Program
Little Angels
Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Backpack Blessings
Beach House
Boys and Girls Clubs of Toledo
Center of Hope Family Services
East Toledo Family Center
Family House
Fellowship Matters
Lutheran Social Services
Mom's House
Neighbor Works
Sunbridge Schools
Susie’s Coats for Kids
Sylvania Family Center
Tent City Toledo
The Shoe Shack
Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission
Toledo Public, Parochial and Charter Schools
Trinity Faith Tabernacle
ISOH Impact
Mosaic Ministries
People Feeding People
Perrysburg Community Center
Project Dignity
Project 52-Cincinnati
Salvation Army
Springtime of Hope-Akron
St. Paul's Community Church